About the campaign
The campaign is a coordinated and targeted industry campaign aimed to raise awareness of the maritime industry, its job opportunities and educational programmes.
Campaign goals
Denmark is dependent on its ability to attract qualified labour in order to sustain a positive development of the maritime industry. The prospects of a workforce getting smaller and full employment mean fiercer competition for young talents. This is a primary reason for a joint effort to increase recruitment within The Blue Denmark (Det Blå Danmark).
The Blue Denmark is comprised of Danish shipping companies, ports, shipyards, maritime service providers, maritime equipment suppliers, authorities and organisations, educational institutions, research institutions and universities.
The Blue Denmark takes its target group seriously and communicates in a frank and honest way, and meet the Danish youth on social media and at live events. The campaign organises a number of self-initiated events where young people can get an insight into the many opportunities a maritime-related education will provide.
Campaign strategy includes:
- Establish a unified platform and industry profile for recruitment, training and job opportunities.
- Increase the number of qualified applicants to match industry specific recruitment needs.
- Unite the industry around a joined campaign.
- Raise the awareness of industry career opportunities.
- Support growth strategy concerning ‘Denmark as the leading shipping nation’.
Brand awareness of The Blue Denmark within the target group (18-28 year olds) was 4% in 2006. In 2015 this figure was 49%. 81% of young people in the target group have heard of at least one of the educational programmes in The Blue Denmark.
The campaign is 100% privately funded through the Danish Maritime Fund, the Lauritzen Fund, Orients Fund, Den A. P. Møllerske Fond, the TORM Fund and the Danish Shipowners’ Association.
For industry partners
The overall marketing of The Blue Denmark is aimed to brand companies and learning institutions within the maritime industry. A strong unified brand, The Blue Denmark (Det Blå Danmark) will benefit every industry stakeholder and increase the general awareness of young people’s opportunities in this field.
Social media
The Blue Denmark has a social media presence (Facebook and Instagram) where maritime students are sharing their personal experiences every single week. We are always looking for young people to share their stories from The Blue Denmark with our 15,000 followers. If you would like to share some of your daily life or know a possible candidate, please send an email to Angelika Rasmussen at ara@danishshipping.dk

Job bank
Companies operating within The Blue Denmark is free to use the job bank where we highlight job opportunities in the industry.
We guide the youth
This page annually redirects 45,000 visitors to relevant companies and learning institutions.
Industry professionals from every corner of the industry meet and network at our events. For this reason these events have also become internal networking events.
Story bank
Share your daily life from the maritime world. “DBD Historiebank” is a closed Facebook group where students and employees can share exciting stories from the maritime educational programmes. Your posts can become stories that are used on The Blue Denmark’s facebook page, on worldcareers.dk or shared with the press. If you wish to share your stories, please search for “DBD – Historiebank” on Facebook and request to join.
Personal presence within the target group
The campaign take part in several shows and events all over Denmark. It is important to us to bring students and employees from The Blue Denmark to meet young candidates and give them a realistic image of the maritime industry and the various possibilities for training and careers. We often need support from companies and learning institutions. If you would like to help, please send an email to Angelika Rasmussen at ara@danishshipping.dk